
ALL ACCESS LIVE: Morgan and Michael Cannata

This one is extra-special! My sweet cousins in Illinois are offering a refreshing escape from the anxiety-driven atmosphere of the current pandemic. Morgan has a holistic offering where “you’ll find a mix of energizing content. Simple, freshly made food & mindful movement, all rooted in helping you cultivate an abundance mindset.”


Michael graduated this week from Alfred University in New York – a gifted multi-media artist, ready to show the world his talents!

His artist’s statement illustrates: “My art explores what it is like to be a physically and mentally hyperactive individual by investigating movement and stillness. Studying sensations and emotions through making, meditating, skateboarding and dancing. These activities give me a sense of reprieve from the busyness of my obsessive thoughts. Adrenaline inducing activities like skateboarding slow time and focus me, telling my mind and body that what is happening in the moment is important, that I am alive.”


Come learn more about these promising young entrepreneurs!